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Nina Notman and Nicola Carslaw. Public engagement opportunities for the indoor air community, Indoor Air, 28, 789-791, 2018. October 16, 2018
Douglas B. Collins, Rachel F. Hems, Shouming Zhou, Chen Wang, Eloi Grignon, Masih Alavy, Jeffrey A Siegel, and Jonathan P.D. Abbatt. Evidence for Gas-Surface Equilibrium Control of Indoor Nitrous Acid, Environmental Science & Technology, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018. October 11, 2018
Jordan Krechmer, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Abigail Koss, Manuel Hutterli, Carsten Stoermer, Benjamin Deming, Joel Kimmel, Carsten Warneke, Rupert Holzinger, John T. Jayne, Douglas R. Worsnop, Katrin Fuhrer, Marc Gonin, and Joost A. de Gouw. Evaluation of a New Reagent-Ion Source and Focusing Ion-Molecule Reactor for use in Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, Anal. Chem., 2018. September 27, 2018